Result Data

The result is returned as list of dictionaries like the example below. If url_scrape is enabled it may contain an additional property. If you prefer to save the results use the as_csv() method.

 'query': 'example',
 'query_num_results_total': 'Ungefähr 1.740.000.000 Ergebnisse (0,50 '
 'query_num_results_page': 10,
 'query_page_number': 1,
 'serp_domain': '',
 'serp_rank': 4,
 'serp_rating': None,
 'serp_sitelinks': None,
 'serp_snippet': 'example Bedeutung, Definition example: something that is '
                 'typical of the group of things that it is a member of: .',
 'serp_title': 'example Bedeutung im Cambridge Englisch Wörterbuch',
 'serp_type': 'results',
 'serp_url': '',
 'serp_visible_link': '',
 'screenshot': '/tmp/screenshots/2017-05-21/google_example-p1.png'

If scrape_urls is True additional fields are appended to the resultset

 'meta_robots': 'index, follow', # value of meta tag robots
 'meta_title': 'Title of the page', # title of the url
 'status': '200', # response code
 'url': '', # scraped url
 'encoding': 'utf-8', # encoding of the url
 'last_modified': '26.08.2018  11:35:40', # datetime url lastmodified
 'text_raw': 'The raw text content scraped from url'


The following serp_types are supported

  • ads_main - advertisments within regular search results
  • image - result from image search
  • news - news teaser within regular search results
  • results - standard search result
  • shopping - shopping teaser within regular search results